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Handels-Assurance China Biours Biosciences Co., GmbH.

Professionelle Beauty-Hydrogel-Pflaster und Gesundheitsprodukte

Interbeauty 2024

Ausstellungszeitraum: August 8-9, 2024
Name der Ausstellung: Interbeauty 2024
Ausstellungsort: Incheon Expo in Bratislava, Slowakei
Geeignete Kategorie: Essential oil featured children’s patch, antipyretic patch, analgesic patch, facial mask

Geeignet für die Werbung für Produkte:
The exhibition of healthy nutrition, ecology, and healthy lifestyle, accompanied by the cosmetics exhibition Interbeauty, will take care of your health. Get an overview of healthy lifestyle products and food supplements, draw inspiration from aromatherapy, exercise, and ecological supplements, and listen to expert lectures on topics such as medicine, psychology, or personal development.

Link zur Ausstellung: https://www.incheba.sk/en/fairs-and-exhibitions/interbeauty-2/



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